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How to cancel a reservation?
How to cancel a reservation?
Zara Lobrin avatar
Written by Zara Lobrin
Updated over a week ago

If you wish to cancel your reservation, please download the app and follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to the “bookings".

  2. Click "View Details" on the booking you wish to cancel.

  3. Select the "Edit".

  4. Click the purple text labeled "Cancel this booking." and "Confirm."

  5. Choose the appropriate reason for your cancellation.

  6. You would be prompted to rebook to a new store or "Get a refund instead."

If applicable, you would be presented with two options.

  • First, you will be refunded via "Bounce credits" (the fastest method). If you have bounce credits, they are valid for any of our 10,000 and 12 months.

  • The second is a refund to the "Original mode of Payment," the processing time will depend on your bank.

  • After completing these steps, your booking will be canceled, and you will receive a confirmation message.

Reminder: All bookings are refundable, and we don’t charge cancellation fees.

More than 1 hour before check-in: Get a refund in Bounce credits or to your original payment method.

Less than 1 hour before check-in: Get a refund in Bounce credits.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, our support team is available 24/7. You can contact us at or via our live chat.

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