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Store Luggage
Can someone else pick up or drop off my luggage?
Can someone else pick up or drop off my luggage?
Jessica avatar
Written by Jessica
Updated over a week ago

Yes, you can have someone else drop off or pick up your luggage. Here’s how to ensure it goes smoothly:

  1. Provide Documentation:

    • Bounce confirmation email: Proof of your booking.

    • Photo of your luggage: For identification of your bag.

  2. Inform the Storage Facility:

    • Contact the store. A quick phone call or email can go a long way in making sure they are prepared to handle your request. Provide them with the name and any necessary identification details of the designated person or courier handling your luggage.

Tips for a Smooth Process

  • Communicate Clearly: Keep everyone informed to avoid issues.

  • Notify Early: Let the facility know of any changes promptly.

  • Choose Wisely: Select a reliable person to handle your luggage.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your luggage is safely managed by someone else.

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