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How to book luggage storage?
How to book luggage storage?
Zara Lobrin avatar
Written by Zara Lobrin
Updated over a week ago

Booking luggage storage with Bounce is quick and easy.

To book luggage storage, follow the steps below:

  1. Choose Location:

    Start by entering the address of your desired location. This will display nearby Bounce Partners.

  2. Select Your Preferred Store:

    Browse through the available options and choose your preferred location. Click "Book this store" to proceed.

  3. Set Date and Time:

    Select the date you need storage and specify the check-in and check-out times.

  4. Specify Bag Count and Payment:

    Indicate the number of bags you want to store. Define your payment method and click "Confirm Booking"

  5. Confirmation and Details:

    Your booking is confirmed! You'll receive a confirmation email with all the details of your booking. You can also view your booking details anytime under the "My Bookings" tab.

Viewing and Managing Your Booking:

Under "My Bookings," you'll find a summary of your booking, including check-in/out times, bag count, and any necessary QR code or PIN for checking in your luggage upon arrival.

Additional Tips

  • Make sure to double-check the location, date, and time of your booking to ensure everything is correct.

  • Keep your confirmation email handy as it contains important information about your booking.

By following these steps, you can easily book a secure and convenient storage location with Bounce. Enjoy your travels with peace of mind knowing your belongings are safely stored!

If you have any questions or need further assistance, our support team is available 24/7. You can contact us at or via our live chat.

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