Once Meet Registrations are setup, they then need to be connected to the Meet you've added to your schedule.
NOTE: To access these pages you'll need to have the "Schedule" and Meet Entry Management" permissions enabled for your account. This link will help your AD or other school admin set those permissions
Click on the Events page for your school (calendar icon)
Click on Registrations
Click on Attach to Event
4. Search for the date of your event to find the event
NOTE: For a meet with multiple levels/competitions (COED, JV/V, etc.) all of the competitions must be in one event to attach the registration.
5. Once registrations are tied to the event, all the participating schools can now access the registration process on the Program page for their sport, under the Meet Entries tab. For this reason, it's important to make sure the participants are added to the meet when it's created.
How to Setup Meets Registrations (formally VB Meets)