17 articles
What are the account sizes and their corresponding drawdown levels and upgrade targets?
Where can I see my maximum daily loss and maximum drawdown limits?
What is the maximum daily loss?
What is the maximum drawdown for 2-step trading?
What is the maximum drawdown for 1-step trading?
What are the trading fees and commissions?
How much leverage can I use?
What constitutes a breach?
What happens if I breach one of the rules?
Are there any prohibited trading practices?
Can I hold positions over the weekend?
Can I buy more than one Breakout Evaluation?
What are the position size limits and restrictions for crypto trading?
Do you have an inactivity rule?
I reached the account gain target - why did my positions not automatically close?
Can I trade multiple accounts at Breakout at the same time?
What are your rules regarding hedging and/or copy trading my other accounts at Breakout?