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Re-using a profile for an ex-employee
Re-using a profile for an ex-employee

How to reactivate or restart a profile of a re-joining member of your team

Russell avatar
Written by Russell
Updated over 3 months ago

You can re-use a profile for a former employee who returns to your organisation.

There is no need to create a new profile for someone on your Breathe account if all their information already exists in the system.

Simply visit their Profile > Edit (pencil icon) > People Status > Mark them back as 'Current'

Please note: You will not be able to send a welcome email as the account was already activated as they have logged in previously.

Simply head to their profile page, in the 'User access' tab you will see the option to 'Reset' the employee's password.

This will send the user a temporary password via email to then set their preferred choice of password.

Continual service?

One last thing to consider is whether you wish their two periods of employment to count as continued service. If you do, then you should leave the employee's join date as it was on the profile. In this way, any holiday allowance based on length of service will be unaffected.

Separate terms of employment?

If they are to be considered two distinct periods of employment, then the join date can be amended to reflect the new join date for the new period of employment. A pro rata adjustment will be made for the leave allowance based on their new start date and the start/end dates of your holiday year. In this way, the employee will also need to start again with regard to the accrual of holiday based on length of service if you allow this option.

What happens to the leave allowance?

If you change the join date for the employee (or contractor/volunteer) the system will automatically pro rata the leave allowance for this employee so will want to consider purging the employee's past holiday data so they start with a completely clean slate, as previous holiday that may have been taken in your current holiday year will be taken into account with the allowance total. If they left in your previous holiday year you will not need to purge the data.

If the join date remains the same and the employee has a new contract start date it is important to note that Breathe will not automatically pro rata the new leave allowance as no dates were changed. This will need to be calculated manually and then a manual adjustment made to the employees allowance. You can do this using this handy Breathe holiday calculator.

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