How to Clone Weeks
Lauren Johnson avatar
Written by Lauren Johnson
Updated over a week ago

There are a few ways to clone weeks of a program. You can clone from within the builder or clone weeks on the calendar. We will walk through both options and when to use each.

First, we'll go through cloning weeks in the builder. This is best used if you've already built a week and plan to use the same training the following week but want to just make some adjustments.

Please note, when you clone a week it's cloning in its current state. So make sure it's fully built out.

Open the week you'd like to clone in the builder.

Next, click "Week Actions" in the top right corner and select "clone week".

The week will automatically clone and you can toggle to it using the week menu.

Once you have multiple weeks built out, you can easily enter progressions in the Load Progression View.

Cloning a Week from the Calendar:

This is a fast and simple way to clone a week within your phase. This is best used if you don't need to make additional edits within the builder but want to repeat this same week.

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