Edit transactional emails

We automatically create e-mails in your image but you can create your own e-mails.

Kevin Bagayoko avatar
Written by Kevin Bagayoko
Updated over a week ago

1st Step: Create your emails.

To create your emails, nothing could be easier, go to Marketing > Templates and create your own templates. Follow these instructions: https://intercom.help/bsport-helpcenter/en/articles/3527707

Use variables by following the sheet: https://intercom.help/bsport-helpcenter/en

2nd Step: Change your transactional emails.

In Settings > Transactional Emails > Choose one of the transactional emails and click on configure.

Choose one of the email sendings by clicking on the arrow next to the eye. and click on the icon on the right for a preview of the email that will be sent as shown in the picture below:

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