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Appointment passes
Create an appointment pass that starts on the first booking
Create an appointment pass that starts on the first booking

The aim of this article is to show you how to set up appointment passes for the validity to start on the first booking.

Kevin Bagayoko avatar
Written by Kevin Bagayoko
Updated over a week ago

1st Step: Create an appointment pass.

In Products > Appointment passes > Click on "Add an appointment pass".

Fill in the form :

  • Name: title of the pass.

  • The number of credits: Number of usable credits (according to the sessions you have created).

  • Price and VAT.

  • Unavailable for purchase this means is Invisible to the customer: only you can sell this pass.

  • Authorized means of payment: Online payment // Internal account (meaning pay later).

  • The validity period of the pass at the time of purchase.

  • Starting date of the validity period: tick 'Valid from the 1st booking'.

Here, if the pass is not used under 365 days to make a first booking, it will expire.

2nd Step: Configure the pass with compatible appointments. Click on the pass > Click on 'Add' > Select a compatible appointment. Click on 'Save'.

Repeat as many times as there are compatible appointments for this pass.

You can also set up the pass to be compatible with a session type (duration of an appointment) by clicking on the pencil icon.

Click 'Save'.

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