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Automatic Form

This sheet will teach you how to set up an automatic form

Kevin Bagayoko avatar
Written by Kevin Bagayoko
Updated over a week ago

Note: If you don't know how to create a form, we have created a sheet on this subject to explain the process step by step. Here is the link to that sheet:

Step 1: In the Bsport Dashboard, go to "Marketing" > "Forms" and click on the form you want to automate and click on "Configure".

2nd step: Click on the "Add a Rule" button. Attention, it is not possible to click on this button if you have not yet added any elements to your form.

3rd step: Set up your form.

You can choose the type of member you want to target:

  • New members (the form will appear after the registration form)

  • Already registered members

You can choose to send this form to members based on how long they have been in your studio by selecting "Members already registered".

  • If you indicate 30 days, the form will appear for all members who have been registered for more than 30 days.

Also in the advanced settings, you can allow members to fill out the form later and choose when they can fill it out again.

  • If you do not select this option, your members will have to fill out the form to access the platform.

Finally, you can force the display to members who have already filled out the form previously.

  • For example, for a satisfaction form that you send at the end of each month, you must select this option. Otherwise, the software will consider that the member has already answered the form the previous month.

You can then add the rules you have set up by clicking on "Add".

Note: The form appears like this when the customer connects to his account.

Note: If several different forms have the same automatic rule then they will appear on the same pop up in a paginated way. Customers will be able to answer both forms.

Step 4: You can edit or delete the rules on the form at any time by clicking on the edit/delete sign. In "Notification rules", click on

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