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How to enter and manage your external expenses (rent, electricity etc)
How to enter and manage your external expenses (rent, electricity etc)

This article will explain you step by step how to get in and manage your external expenses (rent, electricity etc)

Kevin Bagayoko avatar
Written by Kevin Bagayoko
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Add an expense

Go to the "Transactions" tab > "Expenses" > Click on "Add an expense".

Step 2: Fill in the expense form

- Indicate the due date

- Select who is creating this expense

- Indicate the category (ex: Rent): Be careful with the spelling

- Indicate the amount of the expense

- Indicate the name of the supplier or sellor

- Indicate the title of the expense or a description

Check "Interval" if it is a recurring expense (ex: Rent) and fill in the form.

Step 3: Filter your expenses

You can filter your expenses according to the category, the supplier, or the staff who created it.

Step 4 : Quickly visualize future expenses

Click on "Future Expenses" at the top right of the page.

If you want more information about the billing, see this section !

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