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Rating and reviewing your sitter

About our current rating and review system

Updated over a month ago

Reviews are fundamental to other parents and sitters. At the end of each booking, you’ll be prompted to leave a rating then a review of your experience with the sitter.

The sitter will be reviewing and rating their experience in the same way. It’s a system that encourages the best behaviour on both sides and will ensure that both sitters and parents get the best experience possible.


Ratings will always publicly visible on a sitters profile to other parents. You’ll be asked whether you’d recommend or use the sitter again with a ‘thumbs up’ or a ‘thumbs down’.

Written reviews

If you leave a positive review you'll be asked if you wish to leave a review. This would be published to other parents on the sitter's page. Other parents really find this useful when considering a new sitter.

What did they do particularly well, and how did they keep your little one entertained or safe? How was their communication?

You can skip a written review and your rating will still be counted.

Negative feedback

If you have left a thumbs down rating you'll be invited to send private feedback to the bubble team so we can support you and the sitter in moving forward. We always reach out after a negative piece of feedback to the parent and depending on how the parent wants to move forward, we try to give confidential feedback when possible to the sitter so they can improve their performance.

Given the extremely personal nature of childcare we don't by default publish negative written parent feedback, but we do show your rating on the sitter's profile to other parents.

Other parents may see your negative rating and message you through the app for more details. If you do not want this you can switch off parent:parent messaging in your settings.

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