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How to Getting Started with Bukku Store
How to Getting Started with Bukku Store
Ying avatar
Written by Ying
Updated over a year ago

Bukku Store is your online retail platform that showcases your wide range of products and enables customers to conveniently place orders directly from your store. By providing a link to your store, customers can easily make purchases online, boosting your sales and enhancing customer convenience.

Follow the steps below to set up the store catalogue in the Bukku Store.

1. Go to Bukku Store > Store Catalogue > +Category

2. Please enter the name of the product category. For example, "Hot Sales." Additionally, you can tick Featured checkbox if want to mark it as a favourite, which will make it appear on your home page.

If you wish to hide a product and prevent it from appearing in your Bukku Store, you can tick the Hidden checkbox.

3. Scroll down to the Product Selection section and click on + Add Product to add product under this category.

3. Tick the desired product from the inventory list and click on +Add to Category to include it in the selected category.

4. After select the products, click on the Save button to save the changes.

5. Next, go to Bukku Store > Settings.

6. Turn on the toggle to Activate Bukku Store. If you have enabled the payment gateway, you can toggle on the Online Payment.

Key in the Payment Instructions if there's any for your customer to make an offline payment to you.

7. Scroll down to the Store Settings section, and configure your Bukku store setting as per below:

  • Allow Negative Inventory: This option allows users to purchase products even if there is insufficient quantity available.

  • Hide Out of Stock Items: Enabling this toggle will hide products with zero stock from your store.

  • Store Contact: Set the default contact for all orders received through Bukku Store.

  • Banner Image: Upload a banner that will appear on your Bukku Store's home page.

8. Scroll down to Notification Settings section, and enter an email address to receive notification via email whenever an order is placed.

9. Once done, click on Save.

10. Go back to Bukku Store > Store Catalogue and click on the Visit store.

11. Once you access to your store page, you will be able to view all the product categories and detailed information about each product available on your Bukku store. You can easily share the store link with your customers, allowing them to browse and make purchases directly from your store.

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