If you are using Premium or Growth Plan, you can invite your colleagues, or co-workers to access your Bukku account. To invite other users, kindly follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to the Control Panel > Users. |
2. Next, click on + Invite
3. Enter the user First Name and Email Address. Note: User will receive the invitation at this email address.
4. Choose the user Type.
5. Click on Manage Permissions. Here, you can select the permissions for the modules or even sub-modules that you want to grant your user access to by ticking the respective boxes.
Next, click on OK.
Note: For the manage access in sub-modules, it is the User permissions - 2 levels, and only available in Premium Plan.
6. Under the Permission Section:
You can manage the restriction for each module / sub-module that you give access to the user.
You can also manage on how user can read/create a transaction, by ticking on the respective box:
Note: Step No. 6, it is the User permissions - 1 level.
7. Under Special Rights section:
You can manage the special rights for the Administrator and User.
8. Once done, click on Save. |