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Can I order alcoholic beverages?
Can I order alcoholic beverages?
Updated over a week ago

Ordering Alcoholic Beverages on buymie

Yes, some of the stores available on buymie include categories for alcoholic beverages.

Please note that the buymie shoppers operate under the “Challenge 25” rule, meaning that all personal shoppers will check identification for anyone they feel is under the age of 25 when delivering.

When the order is being delivered, and more than one person is receiving the order, your buymie shopper will request identification from all parties should they feel anyone present is under the age of 25.

All buymie shoppers reserve the right to refuse the delivery of alcoholic products if the person receiving the delivery does not show any photographic ID or proof of their age when requested.

In accordance with government legislation, buymie shoppers are only permitted to purchase alcohol during certain hours of the day. Therefore, it may not be possible to fulfil orders with alcohol items outside of those hours.

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