The messages tab within a Client's case is used to view and send communications to the Client.
Messages tab overview
Send all messages as primary
This checkbox will show the messages sent to the client as coming from the primary Attorney no matter who has actually sent it.
Send a message
To the right of this box you can choose the down arrow to Upload a document to send, Export messages, or force the message to send as SMS.
Click into this box to format a message to be sent
You can choose the clipboard in the top right to auto fill in a template
You can schedule this message to send out buy choosing Schedule
Mark read all for team
This button is located to the right of the filter search bar. This will mark all messages read for associated team members.
Message feed
You can scroll the feed to see all messages sent to and received from the Client. There is an eyeball icon next to each message to show who has seen it and at what time.