The documents tab is used to view all documents that have been sent to and received from the Client. You can rename, and download the documents from this tab.
Documents tab overview
Search all documents and find any based off your search criteria
Sort the documents based off uploaded date, or alphabetically by file name
You can download a specific document by finding that document and choosing the Download button beneath it
You cannot send documents from this tab. You must go to the messages tab.
You can rename a specific document by finding that document and choosing the Rename button beneath it
Export all Documents
Export every document that was uploaded into one zip file. This will download to your device.
How to remove a document
Navigate to the Case and Documents tab
Find the document you wish to delete
Choose Delete next to the document
Please Note: Depending on your permissions only certain people may be able to delete the document
The Primary Attorney
OR anyone assigned to the case
Someone not assigned to a case will never be able to delete a document