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Firm Client FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions for Firm Clients

Updated over a month ago

How to log into Case Status

  1. Download the application from your mobile application store

  2. Open the app and put your phone number in

  3. Receive a pin code to enter into the app

Please Note: If you are having issues logging in please confirm with your Law Firm that the phone number listed on your case matches that which you are trying to log in with.

How to download files

  1. Log into your application

  2. Click into the Messages tab

  3. Find the document that was sent to you, click on it and choose download

How to send images or documents to your legal team

  1. Log into your Case Status application

  2. Click into the Messages tab

  3. Click the Camera button in the bottom left and add your image/document to the message

    1. For iPhone choose Browse to choose a file on your phone

    2. For Android you can choose Browse to upload a document or Scan a document that you have in front of you.

How to update treatment logs

  1. Log into your Case Status application

  2. Click into the appointment tab

  3. Find the Treatment and click into it to update the log

How to change your phone number

  1. If you need to change your phone number on your case you will need to reach out to your Firm directly for them to update the number in the Case Status system.

  2. Your number you are logging in with MUST match the number on your case

Please Note: Case Status Support cannot change Client information due to Security and Privacy.

How to troubleshoot the app not launching

  1. Uninstall the application from your phone completely

  2. Restart your device

  3. Reinstall the app to make sure you have the most up to date version

How to refer your Attorney

  1. Log into your mobile application

  2. Click the Your Team tab

  3. Find the Attorney you wish to refer and choose the Refer button

  4. Choose the communication type you wish to send the referral

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