You can invite customers and influencers to share photos and videos directly to your Cevoid account with upload forms. The upload process is built to give your members a smooth experience and ensure that it ends up under the correct member in the Cevoid platform.
Supported file formats are .jpeg, .webp, .png, .mov, and .mp4.
Max size for each content piece is 200 Mb.
Max length per video is 10 minute.
Please note that members can upload up to 5 files at a time.
Create an upload form
Navigate to Collect --> Uploads
Click New Folder in the top right corner
Set an internal name for your upload form and choose whether you want the content submitted on this form to automatically appear on the galleries that you’re going to use this form for
Click Create upload form
We recommend that you don't active auto-approve to avoid publishing low-quality submissions being instantly published in your galleries,
Share an upload form
Navigate to Collect --> Uploads
Select the upload form you want to share
Click Share upload form in the top right corner
Each upload form is hosted on a Cevoid website with a unique URL for each upload form.
Most brands use the URL to invite members to share content through digital communications such as emails and messages.
The QR-code is often used as packages inserts and during in-person events.
Edit texts and translations
If you wish to change the default texts or adjust translations, head to the Translations section on your Cevoid platform settings and select upload form.
Please read this tutorial on translations for full guidance.