SOP: Best Practices for Personal and Remote Training Client Management
To provide a clear and comprehensive guide for managing personal training and remote training clients, ensuring that memberships, scheduling, and programming are organized effectively to maximize productivity and minimize misunderstandings.
Key Steps
Create Generic Client Tracks:
Set up a generic personal training or remote training client track in your management system.
This track will be used for all personal training memberships.
Establish Membership Types:
Create various membership options such as:
One session
Five sessions
Twenty sessions
Attach the generic personal training or remote training track to each membership type.
Manage Payment Plans:
Ensure that payment plans are configured to align with the membership types created.
Schedule Training Sessions:
When scheduling a session, label it appropriately (e.g., "PT with [Coach Name]").
Record the date and time of the session for payroll and tracking purposes.
Add the athlete directly to the scheduled class.
Create Individual Tracks for Clients:
For each client, create a separate track to keep their programming private.
Ensure that only the assigned coach and the athlete can view this programming.
Grant Access to Tracks:
Manually attach clients to their individual tracks.
Control access to programming by limiting visibility to only the coach and the respective client.
Program Client Workouts:
Access the individual client track to program workouts for the week, month, or day as needed.
Ensure that programming is tailored specifically for each client.
Cautionary Notes
Avoid mixing programming between different clients to maintain confidentiality and integrity of the training plans.
Ensure that the correct coach is assigned to each client’s track to avoid confusion and ensure proper credit for sessions.
Tips for Efficiency
Regularly review and update client tracks and memberships to ensure accuracy.
Utilize templates for scheduling and programming to save time.
Communicate clearly with clients about their membership types and session scheduling to prevent misunderstandings.
Keep a checklist of tasks to ensure all steps are followed systematically when onboarding new clients or scheduling sessions.
By following this SOP, team members will be able to manage personal and remote training clients efficiently, ensuring a smooth operation and high-quality service delivery.