Welcome to CHALK IT PRO (or CHIP as most of our clients like to call us)!
We are glad to have you on board and have put together this brief guide to help you get started.
Please refer to our help center for more in depth guides on all topics.
The following are the recommended steps to follow for new clients using the class scheduler and billing module in CHIP:
STEP 1 - Set up your Organization
Set up your Organization Profile in the app: https://app.chalkitpro.com/orgprofile
STEP 2 - Invite your Coaches (optional)
Invite your coaches or any other admins to join the app to begin exploring. (This step is optional)
To invite your coaches:
Go to the members page: https://app.chalkitpro.com/members
Look for the Create a New Member button. Click it and fill the form out for each coach.
After you create the account promote the Permissions to have Coach or Admin access.
Coaches get access to all menu items under the Coaches sub menu.
Admins get access to all menu items under both the Coaches and Administration sub menus.
We can also navigate through this in Step 10.
Click below for the SOP on creating Coaches and Admins.
STEP 3 -
3a. Connect Billing via Stripe
Next up you will connect a Stripe account to CHIP
Please click below for instructions on how that process is completed.
Once we have linked your Stripe account, you will get a confirmation email from us and can continue with setting up taxes, memberships, and store items.
3b. Set-up Tax Rates (optional)
STEP 4 - Decide if you want to migrate customers and payment data from your old system
Decide how you will be migrating your clients payment info. Pick a. or b. below.
a. Migrate payment info from your existing provider to your new Stripe account
Contact your payment provider support (i.e. Push Press, Wodify), and tell them you want to migrate your customers and their payment information to your Stripe account. (FYI: If you use Push Press or Wodify or XPlor you most likely have a Stripe account, but you do not own your customers info and payment details . They are usually designated as ‘guests’ and controlled by their systems)
To migrate data into your Stripe account you will need your Stripe Account Id (commonly known as the destination number). That can be found in the upper corner of this page https://dashboard.stripe.com/settings/account and starts with "acct_"
If your current provider doesn't user Stripe for payment processing you will have to contact them and ask if they are able to migrate the customers and payment info to your new account.
If your current provider uses Stripe for payment processing you can use the sample email below to send to their support team. Just fill in the parts in parenthesis
Hi Support Team! I want to request a migration/copy of my customers from your platform to my new Stripe account.
Could you please login to your Stripe master account and process a copy of my customers and their payment info for (THE NAME OF YOUR ORG IN THEIR SYSTEM) to my new destination account below.
DESTINATION STRIPE ACCOUNT ID #: (FILL THIS IN I.E. acct_XXXXXX ) Thank you for your prompt attention!! |
They will kick off a migration request to Stripe on their end. Once Stripe acknowledges and completes their migration you will be asked by Stripe to accept the incoming data transfer via email. All you have to do is go to your Customers page in stripe and accept the migration.
Feel free to CC support@chalkitpro.com on any email communications that we may provide assistance on.
b. Ask your customers to re-enter their payment info into Chalk it
If this is your preferred route you don't have to do anything at this moment. We will create and invite everyone to CHIP at a later stage.
STEP 5 - Create your Tracks
Tracks differentiate who has access to different programs within your gym. Think of it as a category you create to help separate members, memberships, classes, and workout programs.
When you create a membership, you assign that membership to which tracks you want those athlete's to have access to. If you have multiple class types, but don't offer access to all those class types under a specific membership, this will allow for the system to limit them access to only the classes assigned to their membership.
(Ex. - You offer an Bootcamp class and a Bootcamp only membership. You create a membership to only allow access to the Bootcamp class. Those athletes will only be able to check-in to Bootcamp class.)
You also use this for programming purposes. You can program different workouts for different tracks.
You also use tracks to build out your class calendar.
You can create unlimited tracks for your purposes.
These can be used for additional revenue streams outside of group classes
- PT, Nutrition, etc.
STEP 6 - Create your Documents
Create any waivers, contracts or documents for your Organization that you want people to sign digitally.
Documents can be assigned to all new members or assigned to a member via a Membership.
If you have a contract for a specific type of membership and only want those members to sign it, you don't need every new member to sign it digitally.
You may want the general liability waiver signed by all new members.
Check out the SOP for details and instructions on how to create documents.
STEP 7 - Create your Memberships
Plan out your different Memberships options (Recurring, Punch cards, and Drop Ins) and then visit our collection for setting up each different type of membership.
Noteworthy: If you offer free memberships to your coaches (or any members) it is still advisable to set them up on a $0 recurring subscription so that if you defer item purchases from your store they can be collected in a timely manner.
STEP 8 - Create Coupons and Discounts (optional)
If you watched the video 'Setting up Recurring Payment plans and Coupons for Memberships', you'll have already seen how to create Coupons and Discounts for memberships.
Here, we'll dive into managing those coupons and create additional coupons for things like store items or other discounts for memberships.
STEP 9 - Create your Classes and Schedule
Plan out your Classes and Create recurring classes
Check out the SOP below for details on how to setup your classes
STEP 10 - Import programming from your old platform (optional)
Pretty easy step here if you want to import your old programming into CHIP. Click the link below.
STEP 11 - Create your Store Products (optional)
Create your Store Products --> Create any physical products you will be selling
STEP 12 - Create your current members in Chalk It Pro
We can create your members ahead of time without sending invitations first.
This allows you to set up everything in advance for your members. (payments, memberships, etc). You can ask them to register and get access to the platform later.
SEND A CSV SPREADSHEET WITH FIRST/LAST/EMAIL to support@chalkitpro.com with subject line Member Import .
Optional columns such as telephone, date of birth (m/d/yyyy), telephone, gender can also be included in the spreadsheet.
Get customers payment info into Chalk It:
If you are migrating customers/payment info from another provider please wait until the migration is complete. After the migration is done you will link the Stripe customers to the members in CHIP. To do so go to: https://app.chalkitpro.com/billing-setup and press the Link Customers button
If you are asking members to re-enter payment info manually now is the time to ask them to register for the app and begin that process under their ‘Account Info’ area
Once your customers have a payment method in the system you can begin assigning them memberships . Watch the Assigning memberships video at https://www.chalkitpro.com/billingsetup
You can also use this as an opportunity to choose your Coaches and Admins. You've navigated getting everyone over into CHIP, now you can just access their profile and choose 'Y' for each Coach and/or Admin.
STEP 13 - Sending your members access to the app
Once you've created your members in the system, you can send email invites for your members to register for the app.