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Setting up a free membership for coaches/employees

There are 2 different ways you can set-up a free membership - it boils down to a few scenarios.

Written by Support Team
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Set-up #1 - Create a $0 membership

In this scenario, setting up a $0 membership will bill and create an invoice for them every billing cycle (a month, 4 weeks, 2 weeks, etc). This will allow deferred store payments to bill on the billing cycle.

Step 1 - Select your unlimited subscription (or your version of similar membership).

Step 2 - Create a "Coaches" or "Employees" payment plan by selecting blue button "Add Payment Plan" at the top of the screen

Step 3 - Set-up the membership for $0 and billing cycle of your choosing

Step 4 - Assign membership to coaches

Set-up #2 - Assign your Unlimited Plan (or your version of similar membership) for Free

In this scenario, assigning a normal membership for free will NOT generate an invoice and deferred payments will be left open as "pending". This is an easy way to set-up a membership if all you want to do is grant access someone (coaches/employees) to programming and classes for free WITHOUT any payment method on file.

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