Setting up Organization in Chalk It Pro
Adding Coaches and Admins in Chalk It Pro
Connecting Chalk It Pro and Stripe
How do I set-up tax rates?
Exclusive Tax vs Inclusive Tax
Creating Tracks
Tracks and Memberships Explained
Creating Documents, Waivers, and Contracts
Creating Subscription Memberships and Payment Plans
Creating a Punch Card Membership
Creating a One Time Free Trial Option
Creating a One-Time Drop-In Option
Setting Multiple Punch Card Memberships
Creating a Limited Access Subscription Membership
Creating a One-Time Extra Class Visit Punch Card
Set up Recurring Payment Plans and Coupons for Memberships
Class Setup
Store Set-up
How do I invite members to the app?
How do I import my programming from my old platform?
Understanding Class Limits with Memberships
Setting up a free membership for coaches/employees
Creating and Managing Coupons and Discounts
How do I migrate members from a different platform?
Getting your members to manually input their billing information and payment method
Understanding Drop-Ins and Free Trials in Chalk It Pro
How do I transfer Punch Cards from my old software?
How do I transfer Paid in Full memberships from my old software?