Quality Assurance (QA) is an important part of construction work and property management. With CHECKD you can easily set op and prepare QA tasks and routines in advance, or log 'Items' (observations) while you are in the field and working.
To set up QA routines in CHECKD, you first need to create a project. Click here to learn more about how you create a project. You can make a project with the purpose of QA work only, or you can create quality control routines and observations within an already existing project. It is 'Tags' that is the key to filtering out distinct 'Items' (tasks) that are labeled as QA tasks in a project.
Establish Quality Assurance routines by creating 'Items' and logging information.
See the following steps to get an overview of how you can work with Quality Assurance in CHECKD:
Create or open an existing project
Open a drawing/blueprint and create an 'Item'
In the title field, type something that identifies the task at hand (this is the first information the receiver will see when an 'Item' gets assigned/delegated).
In the description field, you can write a full description of the task, e.g. the routine instructions for Quality Assurance on a specific 'Item' (You can copy information from other sources and paste it in this field).
Add the correct tags, in this case, Quality-Assurance / QA / Inspection, etc., and then create the 'Item' (you can decide if you assign the 'Item' to someone before creation, or after).
When you have created the 'Item' you can click on the three dots on the right-hand side, and then duplicate it (this can save you a lot of time if you are making several identical/similar 'Items').
When you are going to assign one or more 'Items' you can check them off on your 'Item' list (on the left-hand side), then click on 'More actions' and select 'Assign'.
Now select the person that is going to do the observations/tasks.
You can now monitor the status on 'Items' with tags, e.g. QA.
Use the filter function and the tags column to do so.
You can make reports on 'Items' tagged with QA, just filter on 'Items' with QA and click on 'Create report'.
Learn more about how you can create reports by clicking here.
Use Forms/Checklists for Quality Assurance observations
If your organization has access to our module - 'Forms Pro', then you can use standardized checklists to perform QA observations. You can also duplicate standard checklists and customize them to your liking, and you can build one from scratch. Click here to learn more about how you can create checklists in our Forms Pro module.
NB! You can log observations as 'Items' while filling out a checklist, then assign the 'Items' to someone, e.g. if one or more deviations are observed and need to be fixed/corrected.
Here is an example snippet of a checklist used for QA: