If your payment to Chexy failed, you can use our one-time payment link to resolve it by 9:00 PM EST on the same day the charge failed. This means our payment resolution window will close at 9:00 PM EST on your charge day, which is 3 business days before your rent due date.
NB: If you decide to use a different Card to resolve your failed payment, do know that this Card will now be set as your Payment Method on your account. If you do not want to use this Card for your next month's payment, you can change your Card from your User Dashboard once your black-out period is over after your rent date by navigating to Settings > Account > Payment Method > Edit Card.
Here are the most common reasons your payment may have failed and how to resolve the issue;
1) Out-of-date, expired, or incorrect card information
To resolve this, please use this one-time payment link to update your payment details or attempt to use a different card.
2) Insufficient funds available or a transaction limit reached
If you have resolved the issue and would like to reattempt payment on the same card, you can do so using our one-time payment link.
If the issue has not been resolved and you would still like to use Chexy this month, you can also use the one-time payment link to process your payment using a different card this month.
3) A security block from your issuing bank
If you have confirmed that your card information is correct, your account is active and has sufficient credit available, the charge has likely been blocked at the bank level for security reasons.
You can call the fraud department at your bank and have them remove any flags.
Once any flags or blocks have been successfully lifted please use our one-time payment link to attempt to reprocess payment on your card.
*If for any reason, you are unable to resolve your failed payment within the payment resolution window (i.e. 9:00 PM EST on your charge day) you will need to arrange to pay your landlord outside of Chexy this month.*