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User Guide - The Chronotek Pro Complete Supply Management System
User Guide - The Chronotek Pro Complete Supply Management System

A comprehensive guide on how to set up and use the supply management system

Dennis avatar
Written by Dennis
Updated over 3 months ago

This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough of Chronotek Pro’s Complete Supply Management System, covering everything from initial setup to advanced features.

I. Introduction

Chronotek Pro's Complete Supply Management System is a software solution designed to streamline and optimize the management of supplies across various industries, including commercial cleaning, janitorial, swimming pool management, snow plowing, construction, property management, and manufacturing, to name a few. It offers a range of features that enable businesses to track inventory, manage deliveries, and prevent supply shortages.

Key Benefits:

  • Avoid Supply Shortages: Proactively manage inventory levels to prevent stockouts.

  • Enhance Inventory Visibility: Gain a clear and comprehensive view of inventory levels across all warehouses and locations.

  • Optimize Delivery Routes: Plan and execute efficient delivery routes, reducing time and costs.

  • Eliminate Costly Emergency Supply Runs: By preventing shortages, you can minimize the need for expensive emergency deliveries.

  • Connect Team Members: All team members can stay connected and informed through a mobile app, enabling seamless communication and collaboration.

II. Getting Started

A. Setting Up Your Warehouse

  1. Access Manage Supply Setup: From the main menu, click on "Supplies" and then the camera icon labeled "Manage Supply Setup."

  2. Navigate to Warehouses: Select "List Management" and then "Warehouses."

  3. Add Warehouse: Click the plus sign ("Add") to create a new warehouse entry.

  4. Provide Warehouse Information: Enter a descriptive name for your warehouse (e.g., "Main Warehouse" or the street address). You can add a brief description if needed.

  5. Save: Click "Save" to create the warehouse in the system.

Even if you only have one warehouse, setting it up in the system is essential.

B. Adding Supplies

  1. Access Supplies List: Within "Manage Supply Setup," select "List Management" and then "Supplies."

  2. Add New Supply: Click "Add Supply" to create a new supply entry.

  3. Enter Supply Information: Provide a clear and recognizable name for the supply, using the terminology your team uses daily (e.g., "Betco Foaming Soap" instead of a product code). This simplifies the process for your team when requesting items.

    • Consumable: Check this box if the item gets used up, like soap, paper towels, or cleaning solutions.

    • Billable: Check this box if the item is something you might charge your clients for, though this feature isn't widely used currently.

    • Unit of Measure: It is crucial to specify the unit of measurement for the supply. Choose from options like individual units (e.g., bottles), cases, boxes, or any other relevant unit. This ensures consistency and accuracy in inventory tracking and ordering.

  4. Save: Click "Save" to add the new supply to your system.

C. Setting Target and Threshold Quantities

  1. Go to Supply Assignment: Navigate to "Supply Assignment" and then "Warehouse Assignment."

  2. Add Inventory: Click the plus sign to open the "Add Inventory" box.

  3. Select Warehouse and Supply: Choose the warehouse and the specific supply you want to set quantities for.

  4. Define Quantities:

    • Target Quantity: Specify the ideal stock level you want to maintain for this supply in the warehouse (e.g., 50 bottles of soap).

    • Warning Level: Set a threshold that triggers a warning when the supply reaches this level, indicating the need to consider reordering (e.g., 15 bottles).

    • Critical Level: Define a critical threshold that signals an immediate need to replenish the supply to avoid a shortage (e.g., 5 bottles).

Remember that these quantities can be adjusted as you learn your usage patterns.

Note: The system enforces a logical order for these quantities: Target Quantity > Warning Level > Critical Level. If you have supplies in a larger container, like a 50-gallon drum of chemicals, and you only stock one, base your thresholds on percentages. Target is 100, Warning is 50, and Critical is 25.

D. Setting Up Current Quantities

  1. Go to Supplies Screen: Navigate back to the main "Supplies" screen.

  2. Find Warehouse Inventory: Scroll down to the "Warehouse Inventory" section.

  3. Open Warehouse Supply Profile: Click on the name of your warehouse. This will open the "Warehouse Supply Profile" screen.

  4. Enter Current Quantity: Find the supply you want to update and click into the "Available Quantity" field. Enter the current number of units you have on hand for that supply in the warehouse.

  5. Save: Click "Save" to record the current inventory level.

E. Setting Up Job Site Locations

  1. Access Location Assignment: In "Manage Supply Setup," select "Location Assignment" and click the plus sign to add a new location.

  2. Choose Customer and Location: Select the relevant customer and the specific job site location where supplies are needed.

  3. Select Supply and Set Thresholds: Pick the supply you want to manage at this location and define the target, warning, and critical threshold quantities.

Note: Threshold quantities for locations are typically lower than warehouse thresholds, as locations only need enough supplies to last until the next scheduled delivery.

III. Delivery Methods Setup

  1. Access Delivery Trucks: Go to "Supply Setup," then "List Management," and click on "Delivery Trucks."

  2. Add Delivery Method: Click "Add" to create a new delivery method entry.

  3. Enter Delivery Method Information:

    • Name: Provide a clear name for the delivery method (e.g., "Delivery Van 1," "John's Truck," or even "Supervisor's Vehicle" if they use a personal vehicle).

    • Description: Add an optional description for further details (e.g., "Van for large deliveries" or "SUV for local deliveries").

  4. Save: Click "Save" to add the delivery method to your system.

You can set up as many delivery methods as you need. When creating deliveries, you'll be able to choose the appropriate method for each delivery.

IV. Creating and Managing Deliveries

Deliveries can be created either from the website or through the mobile app.

A. Creating a Delivery from the Website

  1. Go to Supplies Screen: Navigate to the "Supplies" screen.

  2. Find Location Inventory: Scroll down to the "Location Inventory" section.

  3. Select Supply: Locate the location that requires the supply and click into the "Current Qty" field for that supply.

  4. Access Delivery Screen: A delivery screen will pop up. You'll see the available warehouses where this supply is stocked.

  5. Select Quantity: Under "Take," use the plus button to choose the quantity of the supply you are pulling from the selected warehouse.

  6. Choose Delivery Method and Date: Select the appropriate delivery method from the available options and specify the target delivery date.

  7. Save: Click "Save" to create the delivery. This action will notify the assigned delivery driver.

B. Creating a Delivery from the Mobile App

  1. Access Manage Supplies: On the mobile app, click "More" and "Manage Supplies."

  2. Choose Location and Supply: Select the location where the delivery is needed and choose the specific supply.

  3. Create Delivery: Click "Create Delivery."

  4. Select Details: Choose the warehouse from which to deliver the supply, specify the quantity, select the delivery method, and set the delivery date.

  5. Create Delivery: Click "Create Delivery." This action logs the delivery into your account in real-time. It also sends a notification to the assigned delivery driver.

C. Tracking Deliveries

  1. Go to Delivery Section: On the "Supplies" screen, navigate to the "Delivery" section.

  2. View Delivery Details: This section provides a comprehensive overview of all ongoing deliveries, including:

    • The supplies loaded on each vehicle.

    • The destination of each delivery.

    • The expected delivery date and time.

This feature enables efficient monitoring of all deliveries in progress.

D. Delivering Supplies (how delivery staff confirms deliveries)

  1. Go to More (on the mobile app), Manage Supplies, Deliveries

  2. Click on the location and supply, Deliver Supply

  3. The quantity can be edited

  4. Deliver Supply

E. Managing Delivery Changes

  • Adjusting Delivery Quantities: If the required delivery quantity changes (e.g., a location needs less than initially anticipated), the delivery person can update the delivered quantity on the mobile app upon completing the delivery.

  • Rerouting Supplies: In case of an emergency or changing priorities, deliveries can be rerouted to different locations as needed. The delivery person can simply click "Reroute" in the app and select the new destination.

  • Returning Supplies: If necessary, supplies can be returned to the warehouse, and the system will accurately reflect these changes.

  • Changing Delivery Methods: The delivery method can be changed at any time before the delivery is completed.

  1. Go to Location Inventory: On the "Supplies" screen, go to the "Location Inventory" section.

  2. Select Supply: Click into the "Current Qty" field for the supply whose delivery method needs to be changed.

  3. Change Delivery Method: On the next screen, select the new delivery method from the available options.

  4. Save: Click "Save" to apply the change.

F. Efficient Delivery Management Tips

  • Group Deliveries: When planning deliveries, check for nearby locations that may need supplies, even if they haven't formally requested them. This proactive approach can minimize extra trips and optimize delivery routes.

  • Check Supplies at 50%: If a location's supply is at or below 50% of its target quantity, consider topping it off during a delivery to that area.

  • Track Supplies "On Truck": Utilize the system's tracking features to monitor the supplies loaded on each vehicle and their destinations.

  • Update Quantities During Delivery: As deliveries are made, update the delivered quantities directly in the app to maintain accurate inventory records.

V. Requesting Supplies


  1. Open the Shift Screen: Employees are on the clock when they need to order supplies.

  2. Tap the Green Section: Open the app and tap the green section that shows them on the clock.

  3. Click on Supplies: This takes them to their open shift screen. Click on Supplies at the bottom.

  4. Request More: Click on the supply, then the Request More button at the bottom.

  5. Stock Quantity: Enter the current stock quantity of the supply.

  6. Submit

This streamlined process simplifies supply requests, ensuring cleaners can easily communicate their needs.

VI. Supply Monitoring and Movement

A. Low Inventory Notifications

The system provides various alerts to notify users about low inventory situations:

  • Colored Alert Tiles: When logging into the system, you'll see colored tiles on the main screen. Yellow tiles indicate supplies that should be restocked soon, while red tiles signal critical levels requiring immediate attention.

  • Threshold Warnings: The app also displays threshold warnings to supervisors, allowing them to address potential shortages proactively.

  • Push Notifications: Supervisors can subscribe to push notifications for various supply warnings, ensuring they stay informed even when away from their desks.

B. Monitoring Supplies Across Locations

  1. Go to Location Inventory: Access the "Location Inventory" section.

  2. Pivot Views: Use the "Supply" and "Location" tabs to switch between different views of your inventory.

    • Supply View: This view shows all locations where a specific supply is stocked and their current inventory levels.

    • Location View: This view displays all supplies at a particular location, giving you a comprehensive overview of that location's inventory status.

  3. Check Forecasted Stock %: The "Forecasted Stock %" column in the "Location View" provides insights into the stock levels of each location relative to their defined thresholds. You can quickly see if a location has an excess supply while another is running low.

C. Moving Supplies Between Locations

Supplies can be easily moved between locations, either through the website or the mobile app.

Using the Mobile App:

  1. Go to Manage Supplies: Open the mobile app and navigate to "Manage Supplies" and then "Locations."

  2. Select Receiving Location: Click on the location and then the supply.

  3. Create Delivery: Initiate the process by clicking "Create Delivery."

  4. Choose Delivery Source: In the "Deliver From" dropdown menu, click "More Options" at the bottom. This will display a list of other locations with the supply in stock and their inventory levels.

  5. Select Sending Location: Choose the location from which you want to transfer the supply.

  6. Complete Delivery: Finish setting up the delivery as usual, including quantity, delivery method, and delivery date.

Using the Website:

  1. Create Delivery: When creating a delivery on the website, you can select a location as the source of the supply instead of a warehouse.

  2. Click "More": If you want to deliver from a location, click the "More" button next to the warehouse selection.

  3. Choose Sending Location: This will open a list of locations with available stock. Select the location from which you want to transfer the supply.

  4. Complete Delivery: The chosen location will then appear on the delivery form. Proceed with completing the delivery details.

VII. Inventory Management

A. Inventory Check Frequency

For optimal inventory control, it's recommended to:

  • Conduct Location Counts Weekly: Perform quick checks at each location to ensure the recorded quantities are accurate.

  • Perform Warehouse Counts Monthly: Conduct a more thorough inventory count at your warehouse(s) every month to support accurate ordering and stock management.

B. Managing Supply Changes

When switching to a new brand or type of supply, don't delete the old item from the system immediately. Instead:

  1. Keep Old Supply Active: Keep the old supply active until it's completely used up at all locations.

  2. Add and Set Up New Supply: Add the new supply to the system and set up the target, warning, and critical levels for the warehouse and relevant locations.

This approach allows for a smooth transition and avoids disruptions in supply availability.

VIII. Employee Management

A. Access Levels

Chronotek Pro offers four levels of access to manage employee permissions within the supply management system:

  1. Employee: This is the default level for all employees. They have full supply access, meaning they can see quantities, request supplies, and update numbers. However, for new or less experienced employees, you can disable supply access in their settings. This allows them to see quantities but restricts them from making changes or requesting supplies.

  2. Supervisor: Supervisors have access to manage supplies specifically for the locations they are assigned to oversee. This role allows them to handle deliveries, manage supply requests from cleaners, update quantities, and perform other tasks necessary for their assigned locations.

  3. Supply Manager: The supply manager role grants access to all locations, supplies, and features within the system. This level is suitable for individuals responsible for overseeing and coordinating supplies across the entire organization.

  4. Supply Admin: This access level is automatically assigned to system administrators. You can also assign supply admin access to a supervisor, enabling them to log into the website and specifically access supply management screens. This is useful for individuals who need to manage supplies but don't require full system admin privileges.

B. Tracking System Activity

The system provides comprehensive activity tracking to monitor all changes made within the supply management module. To access activity logs:

  1. Go to Location: Click into any location within the system.

  2. Select Activity Tab: Choose the "Activity" tab.

This log provides detailed information about every action taken within the system, including:

  • Who requested supplies.

  • Who updated quantities.

  • Who completed deliveries.

  • Timestamps for each action.

You can also view this activity feed on the main dashboard and within the mobile app.

IX. Mobile Access

The mobile app provides extensive functionality, allowing users to perform most of the tasks available on the website. Field staff and supervisors can:

  • View assigned locations and their supply levels.

  • Create deliveries.

  • Update quantities.

  • Manage supply requests.

  • See real-time updates reflecting changes made by others.

X. Tips for New Users

  • Start Simple: Don't try to implement everything at once. Begin by focusing on the request feature for your busiest location.

  • Gradual Implementation: Add inventory tracking and expand to other locations gradually as you become more familiar with the system.

  • Adjust Thresholds: Refine your target, warning, and critical quantity thresholds over time as you gain insights into your usage patterns.

XI. Future Features

Chronotek Pro continues to enhance its supply management system with new features. Upcoming features may include:

  • Enhanced Reporting: Improved reporting capabilities to track usage patterns and identify trends.

  • Cost Tracking: Tools to track supply costs, supporting budgeting and expense management.

  • Detailed Usage Analysis: More in-depth analysis of supply usage to optimize inventory management.

  • Automated Ordering: Features to automate the ordering process based on predefined thresholds and rules.

  • Job Costing Capabilities: Integration with job costing features to track supply expenses for specific projects.

XII. Conclusion

Chronotek Pro's Complete Supply Management System is a powerful tool that empowers businesses to:

  • Prevent supply emergencies.

  • Eliminate guesswork in inventory management.

  • Reduce inefficient supply runs.

By starting simple, gradually implementing features, and taking advantage of the system's capabilities, you can achieve straightforward and proactive supply management that makes everyone's job easier.

Check out our Collection of articles on the complete supply management system.

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