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Team Roles in Chronotek Pro

Learn how Team Managers, Observers, and Members in Chronotek Pro control access, visibility, and responsibilities in your service business.

Dennis avatar
Written by Dennis
Updated over a month ago

You want your people to stay informed without overwhelming them. Here's how Pro's Team structure ensures the right information gets to the right people.

How the Team Structure Controls Notification Feeds

Teams uses a structure with three distinct roles (Manager, Observer, Member) to control their notification feeds and the actions they can take on each Team. These roles control what notifications people receive and what actions they can take within the team. People can hold different roles on different teams - for example, someone could be a Manager on one team while serving as an Observer on another.

Team Managers

Team Managers are your active field leaders who handle day-to-day operations:

  • See real-time activity on the home screen showing:

    • Team jobs and schedules

    • Active timecards

    • Employee clock-ins/outs

    • Time card infractions requiring review

  • Handle operational tasks:

    • Review and approve/deny infractions with comments

    • Clock-out team members

    • Process supply requests

    • Hire employees from the field

  • Receive customizable notifications for events like:

    • Late arrivals

    • Missed clock-ins

    • Employees leaving job sites

    • Supply shortages

For example, if you have a supervisor managing night cleaning crews, they would be set up as a Team Manager to see all their crews' activities, manage any infractions that occur, and handle issues during the shift.

Team Observers

Team Observers are typically higher-level administrators or regional managers who need oversight without direct management responsibilities:

  • Access activity feed based on notification preferences

  • Don't see real-time activity on the home screen like managers do

For instance, a regional manager might be an Observer on multiple teams to monitor overall performance while letting the Team Managers handle daily operations.

Check out this article on managing default notifications.

Team Members

Team Members do the actual work:

  • Only see jobs assigned to their teams

  • Clock in/out of assigned jobs

  • View personal schedules and time cards

  • Request supplies through the app

  • Take and log breaks

  • Communicate with team managers

A typical example would be a cleaner who works on both the general cleaning and floor care teams - they would be a Team Member on both teams, seeing only the jobs assigned to each Team.

Managing Team Members and Roles

There are two simple ways to handle all Team member changes, whether adding people, removing them, or adjusting their roles. You can work through either the Teams or People menu - choose whichever is more convenient for your workflow.

Check out this detailed guide for further instructions:

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