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Clock Into an Unknown Job. Why?

We'll explain the Unknown Job option that employees have when clocking in

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Written by CustomerCareTeam
Updated over a week ago

Employees have 3 options when clocking in -

  1. Clock into a job in which they are scheduled

  2. Clock into an unscheduled job (they aren't scheduled, but they are on the Team and GPS located there)

  3. Clock into an Unknown job

What is an Unknown Job?

You have an employee call-out at the last minute, and you scramble to find a replacement. Great! But the fill-in employee isn't on the Team that normally does that job. Not to worry.

Your employee can clock into Unknown Job and type in the location/work they are clocking into. This option is also available if an employee has location services disabled and is trying to clock into an unscheduled job.

Unknown Job is your flag that the system did not know which job that employee should be clocking into.

The admin will need to edit the time card later to the correct job.

How Your Employee Clocks Into an Unknown Job

Here's what it looks like for your employees when they try to clock in:

Press the button "I need to clock in".

Press the button "I still don't see my job".

In the text box, the employee types information about the job they are working - building name, street address, etc.

Select their Team from the dropdown list and clock in.


They are clocked in!

How Employees Clock Out of an Unknown Job

Now, to Clock Out, press the green time.

Press Clock out.


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