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Before Closing Your First Pay Period...

Ensure the payroll settings are correct - especially Overtime. Enter employee pay rates for accurate job costing.

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Written by CustomerCareTeam
Updated over a week ago

It is important to take a few minutes to ensure overtime settings and employee pay rates are set before you close pay periods.

Overtime Settings

  • Click on the gear at the top right for Settings.

  • Go to the Payroll tab. Pay particular attention to the Overtime Rules.

  • Then select 'change settings.'

  • Set your overtime value to the correct number of hours for weekly overtime in your state or country. Select the correct rules if you're in California or another state that uses any of the expanded overtime rules.

Employee Pay Rates

Pay rates are necessary for accurate job costing. No labor dollars are calculated for time worked if people do not have payrates. The payrate must be entered before the pay period is closed.

However, pay rates are not mandatory.

Before closing a pay period, go to People and change your screen to List View. Find employees with no entries for pay rates, click on their names, go to the Pay Rates tab, and add their rates.

People > select the person > Profile > Pay Rates

1. Select the pencil to edit the person's pay rate.

2. If needed, edit the person’s Payroll ID and Dept ID

Next up: check out the article Prepare Payroll Hours.

Check out the Help Center for more articles. 😎

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