Seeing red? The system can tell you when a person's pay rate is missing. Have you seen this red issue tile?
The Missing Pay Rate Infraction Tile (Red)
The system can show a red warning tile for employees without a base pay rate. These employees will be blocked from payroll processing until a base rate is entered.
This red infraction is noted on 3 screens:
Dashboard: “People to Review” tile count
Time: “Missing Pay Rate” red issue tile.
People: “Missing Pay Rate” red issue tile.
How to Enable/Disable the Missing Pay Rate Tile
You can enable/disable this feature at the region level (gear on the top right) and through an employee opt-out override.
Region Settings > Payroll > Payroll Period > “Missing Pay Rate Warning”
Employee: Settings > Payroll Settings > check the box to Disable missing pay rate warning (example: admins that don’t need a pay rate in the system; simply set their employee override and they will not block payroll).
How to Assign a Required Pay Rate to Prepare Payroll
On the Close Payroll screen, if the employee is required to have a pay rate and it is missing, they will show a red background. Those people cannot be approved for payroll until the issue is resolved.
To fix the issue, click the red "Missing Pay Rate" issue tile to filter those employees. Click the red employee name to launch their employee profile in the Pay Rates tab. Simply click the pencil to change the missing pay rate.
Check out the help articles on our issue tiles
All about what the red issue tiles mean.
Have a great day! 👨🦰still seeing red?