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Restrict Jobs People Can Clock Into

Teams allow you to control which jobs your people can clock into.

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Written by CustomerCareTeam
Updated over a week ago

You may want to restrict jobs that your employees can clock into. You can do this with Teams.

A few things to know about Teams:

  • When adding new employees, you can put them on one or multiple Teams.

  • You can put existing employees on additional Teams.

  • When adding a new job, you assign it to one Team.

  • You can assign other Teams to jobs when you create shifts for the jobs. For example, you have an everyday job in which you pay weekend workers a $2/hour bonus. Create a weekend Team and add this team to a new weekend shift.


  1. An employee can be on multiple Teams

  2. Multiple Teams can be assigned to the same job based on shifts.

This Bouncer job has 3 Teams assigned to it, and Johnny is on 2 different Teams.

screen of employee timetracking that shows job schedules

Setting up employees and jobs on Teams in this way means that employees can only clock into jobs if they are on a Team assigned to the job.

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