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Set Pay Rates Based on the Work Done

Learn how to set up and apply different pay rates using Pay Codes for specific jobs, shifts, or time cards.

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Written by CustomerCareTeam
Updated over 2 months ago

Why Use Pay Code Overrides?

Need to pay different rates for different jobs? Maybe you pay more for weekend work, or special projects require premium pay. Pay Code overrides ensure employees' time cards automatically reflect the right pay rate for each situation.

This article will explain how to create pay codes, add them to pay profiles, and use them.

1 - Creating Pay Codes

First, set up your different pay rates.

  1. Click the gear icon (top right) to access company settings

  2. Select the Payroll tab

  3. Select Pay Codes

  4. Using the + button, add each type of pay code you'll need (weekend rates, special projects, etc.)

2 - Adding Pay Codes to Profiles

Connect these pay codes to your pay profiles.

  1. Click on Pay Profiles, select the Pay Profile

  2. Click the + button to start the wizard

  3. Give the Pay Type a descriptive name

  4. Choose your Pay Code from the dropdown

  5. Set the override amount:

    • Add a percentage to base pay or

    • Add a dollar amount to base pay

3 - Using Pay Code Overrides

Once set up, you have three flexible ways to apply special pay rates:

  1. When scheduling a team on a shift

  2. When adding a person to a scheduled shift

The pay codes stay in your system and are ready to use whenever you need them - there is no need to recreate special rates each time.

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