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Login to Chronotek Pro & Get the App
Login to Chronotek Pro & Get the App

Bookmark the Pro admin site and download the Chronotek Pro App.

CustomerCareTeam avatar
Written by CustomerCareTeam
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to Chronotek Pro! We created your account. You are on your way to getting back control.

First things first….

Login to Chronotek Pro

Download the Chronotek Pro App

If you are an admin, and do not wish to use your cell number, you can be set up with a fake cell phone number (like 555- something). Login with that fake cell number and on the Access Code screen press the link "I can't receive test messages" and the 6-digit access code will be sent to your email. (You can still download the app - and we suggest you do - use that fake cell number as your login and check your email for the 6-digit access code.)

⬅️ Go back to the steps to Get Started Using Pro.

Find more articles in our Help Center. And go ahead and bookmark the site! 😎

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