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Activity Log Data Imports

Learn more about volunteer activity imports and the data we can accommodate.

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Written by CustomerSuccess Team
Updated over a week ago

We offer the option for you to import Activity Log data into Civic Champs. This may include historical volunteer data from a previous system or current volunteer data recorded outside of Civic Champs. Historical data imports are typically discussed and priced during the sales process. Current customers are also welcome to request a data import at any time during their customer journey! Contact Geng Wang at for details on pricing.

Volunteer activity data is recorded in the Activity Log tab under Champions in the admin dashboard:

The table below notes which data points we can accommodate in your import:

Column Header:

Volunteer First Name

Volunteer Last Name

Email address

Phone Number

Volunteering Role

Check-in Date


Example data:



(412) 385-9036




  • Contact information: We require either an email address or phone number for each volunteer. We match activity data to volunteers using this information.

  • Volunteering Role: We can import up to five unique roles per file. If you have more than five roles in your file, please try to simplify or talk to us!

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