If you are planning to take a break from teaching in NSW for six consecutive months to five years, you may apply for a Leave of Absence through the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). This process pauses your accreditation, meaning your time away is not counted toward your accreditation period.
While on a Leave of Absence:
• Your accreditation is put on hold
• You cannot work as a teacher in a NSW school or service
• You are exempt from mandatory professional development (PD) requirements
How to Apply for a Leave of Absence
A Leave of Absence with NESA is different from leave granted by your employer. Before applying, follow your employer’s internal leave procedures.
To apply through NESA:
Log into your eTAMS account.
Navigate to taking a Leave of Absence.
Enter your:
Start date (must be current or future; backdating is not allowed).
End date (minimum of six months and a maximum of five years from your start date).
Submit your application.
If your plans change, you can modify your return date through eTAMS.
How Long Can Accreditation Be Put on Hold?
• The minimum period for a Leave of Absence is six consecutive months.
• The maximum period is five years.
If you return to teaching before the six-month minimum, you must cancel your Leave of Absence in eTAMS. Your accreditation due date will revert to its original time.
If you plan to take a break for more than five years, you may consider:
Voluntarily cancelling your accreditation (with the option to reapply later). For more details on cancelling your accreditation, visit the official NSW Government website.
Applying for Non-practising Teacher Accreditation (available for Proficient Teachers and above). For more information on how to apply, visit this link.
What Happens During a Leave of Absence?
While on an approved Leave of Absence:
You are not required to complete PD (though you may choose to).
Your name will be removed from the NSW Public Register of Teachers.
You cannot teach in a NSW school or service.
You may act as an Accreditation Supervisor or HALT Assessor, but you cannot make accreditation recommendations or attestations.
Fee Waivers
You may qualify for an annual fee waiver while on a Leave of Absence. Check if you meet the requirements here.
Returning to Teaching After a Leave of Absence
Before resuming work, you must ensure:
You’re Working with Children Check (WWCC) is current.
Your WWCC clearance number is updated in eTAMS.
Any outstanding NESA fees are paid.
Once your Leave of Absence ends:
Your accreditation time resumes.
You can return to teaching in a NSW school or service.
Your name reappears on the NSW Public Register of Teachers.
You receive an invoice for any outstanding accreditation fees.
If maintaining Proficient Teacher accreditation, check your PD hours in eTAMS and ensure you meet your requirements before your time ends.
For proof of accreditation, download your Teacher Summary Report from eTAMS.
What If You’re Not Ready to Return?
If you are not returning to teaching, you can:
Voluntarily cancel your accreditation (this may apply if you have reached the five-year limit or cannot renew your WWCC).
Reapply for accreditation later when ready. For more information, visit this link.
Consider Non-practising Teacher Accreditation (available for Proficient Teachers and above).
To apply for a second Leave of Absence, email proof of your return to teaching (e.g., Statement of Service or Service History) to PTenquiry@nesa.nsw.edu.au.
Missed Applying for a Leave of Absence?
If you did not apply before your break, you cannot request a backdated Leave of Absence.
However, if you struggled to meet accreditation requirements, you can:
Apply for an extension within the final six months of your accreditation time.
Submit an Application for Extension of Accreditation Timeframe (PDF 223KB) with supporting evidence.
Applying for a Leave of Absence While Suspended
If your accreditation is suspended due to an expired WWCC, you may still apply for a Leave of Absence (if eligible) using the NESA Leave of Absence Application for Suspended Teachers (PDF 699KB).
However, you cannot apply for a Leave of Absence if your suspension is due to:
Failure to complete accreditation maintenance (apply for an extension instead).
An interim bar or bar on your WWCC.
A decision that your teaching practice does not meet NESA Standards.
For more information, visit the NESA’s website or contact them directly.