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How to Turn Off Headhunter Invites on ClassCover Jobs
How to Turn Off Headhunter Invites on ClassCover Jobs
Billie avatar
Written by Billie
Updated over 2 months ago

Headhunter on ClassCover Jobs is a way for schools and education organisations to find great candidates to fill roles. When you turn Headhunter on, hirers can see a summary of your profile and experience and, if they think you’re a good fit for their role, reach out via email and encourage you to apply. If you prefer not to receive these invites you can turn Headhunter off at any time.

Steps to Turn Off Headhunter Invites (Web Version)

  1. Go to My Settings:
    Log in to your ClassCover profile on your computer and navigate to My Settings.

  2. Untick the Option:
    Find the option “Allow your profile to be found by schools and other hirers who have roles matched to you and can invite you to apply” and untick it.

Steps to Turn Off Headhunter Invites (On Mobile App)

  1. Open the ClassCover app.

  2. Tap the 3 lines icon in the top right corner > press Account & Settings.

  3. Tap Job Notifications.

  4. Toggle ClassCover Jobs Headhunter alerts to OFF.

Once you’ve done this, you’ll stop receiving Headhunter invites until you switch them back on again. Even if you have turned Headhunter invites off, you can browse and apply for roles on ClassCover Jobs as normal.

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