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Residency Programs

Add and Schedule Residents to Complete Onboarding Requirements

Peter J Anderson avatar
Written by Peter J Anderson
Updated over a week ago

After reading this article you will be able to...

  • Add Residents

  • Schedule Residents

  • Monitor Onboarding Progress

Add Residents

You can add residents to Clinician Nexus individually, or in a bulk spreadsheet upload.

Invite Residents Individually:

  • Click Students from your left navigation menu

  • Click + Add student from the submenu

  • Enter the residents's program, full name, email address, discipline, year of study, and graduation date.

  • Click Add student

Your resident will automatically be sent an invitation to join Clinician Nexus and set up their profile. Additional resources are also available on how to help residents use Clinician Nexus. The resident will display in a list found by clicking All students from the submenu.

Invite Residents in Bulk:

If you have many residents to add at one time, it may be helpful to add them in bulk. To do this:

  • Click Students from your left navigation menu

  • Click Import from spreadsheet from the submenu

  • Click Download empty spreadsheet

  • Add resident data to the downloaded template. Make sure to include resident name, email address, year, anticipated graduation date, and discipline.

  • Save the completed spreadsheet

  • On the Import Students page, click Choose File and select the completed spreadsheet to upload the residents into Clinician Nexus.

  • Select the appropriate program

  • Click Upload & import

  • Residents will automatically be sent an email invitation to join Clinician Nexus and set up their profiles.

The system will recognize if a resident you're trying to add has already created a Clinician Nexus account. Upload your entire list of residents, and only new residents will be notified about creating their accounts.

Schedule Residents

To schedule residents, click +Schedule students on your left navigation menu.

  • Select the organization

  • Choose the opportunity

  • If the clinical site enables, you can add specific dates and times for the resident to be scheduled, in addition to the general date range

  • Select the resident(s) to be scheduled

  • Add any additional comments and click Submit

Monitoring Onboarding Progress

You can monitor your residents' onboarding progress from your rotations page.

To monitor general progress and complete any steps required of you:

  • Click Rotations on your left menu.

  • Here, you will see your residents' rotations displayed. You can see how rotations are progressing, based on their status. Click into each rotation to view details and onboarding steps.

If you see a rotation with a circular orange badge in the top right corner, there are one or more steps you can complete.

You can also filter to view only rotations with steps for you to complete:

  • Click + Add filter button.

  • Click Has steps I can complete from the dropdown list.

  • To view and/or complete these steps, click on the rotation.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the rotation details window to view onboarding steps. The three step types are file uploads, forms and checkbox.

  • Under the Onboarding steps section, each step specifies who has the ability to complete it:

Once all onboarding steps are complete, the rotation will move into Ready status, indicating that everything is complete, and the resident is ready for the first day of their rotation.

Have more questions? Please reach out by clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner of your screen from 8am-6pm CT, Mon-Fri.

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