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Managing your client profile

Learn more on managing your client profiles.

Updated over a week ago

Editing Client Profile

Within the client profile, coaches have the privilege of editing various aspects of their clients' information. By navigating to the profile editing section, coaches gain access to a range of details, enabling them to tailor the client's profile accordingly. Here are some key elements that can be edited:

1. Profile Image: Clients have the ability to update their profile image directly from their side, using the app. Coaches can view and manage these profile images within the client profile.

2. Personal Information: Coaches can edit the client's first name, last name, and view their email address. However, it is important to note that clients will need to update their email information themselves.

3. Additional Details: The client profile also includes fields for unit preferences, birthday, and time zone. Ensuring accurate time zone information is particularly crucial, as it affects the client's experience within the platform. The time displayed in the upper left corner of the client's interface and any scheduled push notifications or time-sensitive communications will align with their designated time zone, not the coach's.

Managing Profile Pictures and Intake Forms

In addition to editing client information, the client profile offers functionality for managing profile pictures and intake forms. Coaches can update and modify profile pictures directly within the client profile. This allows for personalization and ensures that the client's image accurately represents their identity.

Furthermore, coaches can easily access and review the client's intake form from within the client profile. The intake form provides essential information about the client's background, goals, and preferences, enabling coaches to gain valuable insights to guide their coaching approach effectively.

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