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The Lesson Page on Complete Mathematics

Exploring the lesson page functionality, including an enhanced search tool, prerequisite quizzes, lesson notes, and more

Joshua George avatar
Written by Joshua George
Updated over a week ago

Here's how the lesson page works:

For a more thorough exploration demo, rewatch our webinar demo & Q&A here.

The last year has seen record activity on the platform, with teachers across the UK and beyond using Complete Mathematics to plan, deliver, and review their mathematics lessons. We’ve enjoyed discussing implementation and use with the Complete Mathematics community, and as part of this update have incorporated loads of your ideas and feature requests to make Lessons on the platform more useful, impactful, and user-friendly than ever before.

Below we highlight some of the key elements of this release and where this will take us next, grouped by the following themes:

  • Pedagogy & Accessibility

  • Flexibility & Class Communication

  • Mastery & Beyond

If you have any questions or are a prospective user who wants to learn more, get in touch with our support team —

1) Pedagogy & Accessibility

We've now fully embedded the enhanced curriculum into lesson planning. This brings a whole package of benefits to the Lesson page.

Updated Objective Search Tool

Find the exact objective you want to involve in your lesson with greater ease now that objectives and their descriptions are shown as your search results. View where that objective sits in the context of the curriculum, or your scheme, at the click of a button. Learn more about our search tool here.

Refined Prerequisite Mapping

Discover the required understanding for each objective with even more confidence, and explore the threads through the Curriculum Universe in depth.

Models and Didactics

Objectives in your lessons will now include the recently added support material sections, Models and Didactics. We explore these sections and their implementation further in this blog.

Teaching Progress Review

Use the Class Scheme page to explore how a Class is progressing through their assigned scheme as before, plus, now review this same teaching progress against the full Curriculum, Mathematical Groups, and Mathematical Topics.

Device Optimisation & Fonts

More effectively access, amend and review your lesson plans on-the-go with improvements to the mobile lesson experience. Plus, edit the font used in the Curriculum for further accessibility, or just personal preference (yes, Comic Sans).

2) Flexibility & Class Communication

We’ve worked a number of user-requested features into this release, in particular, to further assist the Complete Mathematics community with their remote teaching, and their blended learning practice more generally.

Planning Status Control

Freely set a lesson’s status to Planned or Taught without having to add an Objective, enabling you to mark revision, assessment, or other off-timetable lessons as green on your timetable.

Lesson Notes

Add bespoke notes to your lesson, instead of your Objectives, for jotting down your lesson layout, or recording an off-timetable lesson.

Notes for Pupils

Create and share notes with your pupils, for class-wide announcements, reminders, instructions, or otherwise. Control the pupil visibility of your notes at the click of a button. Learn more about Lesson Notes here.

Assignment Creation and Review

Easily assign work from one or multiple Objectives with dedicated sections for Classwork and Homework and a brand new creation tool. Plus, review assignments and monitor pupil activity fully within your lesson.

Voice Note Assignment Feedback

Record yourself giving feedback on each pupil’s classwork or homework submissions, for your pupils to log in and listen to, mirroring the classroom experience. Learn more about Voice Notes here.

3) Mastery & Beyond

Along with the new functionality and benefits we've previewed so far, this update also lays the foundations for further, major additions to the platform—some included in this release, and some to follow in the near future.

Prerequisite Quizzes

Assess your classes understanding of the required knowledge for your upcoming Objectives—a key aspect of teaching for mastery—with brand new readiness quizzes. Select to include first, second, or third level prerequisites, implementing the refined mapping directly in assessment. Learn more about Readiness Quizzes here.

New Quiz Builder

Build date range and prerequisite lesson quizzes with improved control and visibility of the objectives covered. Review and edit the granules to be included, with a summary of the quantity and approximate level of content covered available too.

Lesson Readiness Insights

Inspect relevant assessment results data for your class as soon as you add an Objective to your lesson, to help you plan your next teaching steps. Review results for the added objective, its linked prerequisites, as well as the appropriate mathematical groups and strands.

What Next?

Following the completed release of the new Lesson page there are a number of exciting platform projects we will be working on, both short-term and long-term, including: importing scheme progression from other classes and previous academic years; saving, re-using, and sharing lesson plans; lesson schedule builder; pupil knowledge security insights...and lots more!

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