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Booking Form Questions
Booking Form Questions
Updated over a week ago

When creating a Booking Event, you are able to add Form Questions to the event so that a customer can add their Name, email address or any other relevant information to the appointment booking.

Update Form Questions

To update or add form questions, navigate to the relevant Event > Form Questions > Edit Form Questions.

Click on the pencil icon on each form field to edit the settings such as description and CRM property in the popup as shown below:

Add New Form Field

To add a new form field, click on the + icon below the form fields and select one of the options on the popup.

For example, you would like to add a field where the customer can submit a file to the appointment booking as shown below:

Required Form Field Settings & CRM Properties Mapping

When updating your Form Field settings, it is important to note that marking the Name and Email fields as required as well as mapping it to the correct CRM property is critical. We recommend going through each form field after setting them up and checking that they are:

  • Marked as required

  • Mapped to the correct CRM property

We also recommend you test your forms after updating them and check that they are styled correctly and that they have the relevant settings added.

Rename Form Fields

You can update the name of your form field by typing the title in the box.

For example, you added a File form field for the customer to submit their Portfolio for you to review before the call, we renamed File to Portfolio and updated the description and made it a required field in the example below:

Remove a Form Field

You can remove an existing Form Field by clicking on the Trash can icon next to the form field.

For example, we removed the Phone field as shown below:

Where to Retrieve Form Submissions

Once a customer has booked an appointment and completed the form fields, you will find all the information under Appointments on the contact profile under the Contacts module. The submitted information will also be added to the confirmation email you receive.

💡 Tips

You can map each form field to a contact property where applicable and you can even add additional CRM properties under the Contacts Module in order to map the Form Fields to the correct Contact Property.

It is important to mark the Name and Email fields as required and mapped to the correct fields in the CRM. Do a test booking after updating your settings in the Booking Form to ensure that all the settings have been updated correctly.

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