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Quiz Widget
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we'll explore the various use cases and purposes of using quizzes on your website, highlighting how they can enhance user engagement, promote learning, and drive valuable outcomes.

Quizzes have become a popular and effective tool for engaging website visitors and creating interactive experiences. By blending entertainment with education, quizzes offer an enjoyable way to convey information, test knowledge, and capture user interest and leads.

Creating a New Quiz

Head over to a new page or existing page where you want to add the Quiz.

Click on the Widget icon, then drag and drop it onto the page.

Adding a new quiz field

To add a new quiz field, click on Add Field and select one of the predefined CRM properties that are associated with your customer's contacts card OR select one of the most used fields from the options provided.

💡We recommend that you try out the different field properties to see the features offered and the different styling options for each field property.

Updating an existing Quiz Field

Start building your quiz by updating the Fields. Click on Edit Fields in Step 1.

Update the Heading and Description Settings by clicking on Change. Update the Heading, description and style of the Heading & Description as shown below:

The Styling of your field has various different options for customization:

Heading and Fields alignment

Title fonts and styling

Description fonts and styling

Step Settings

To update the step settings, you can add text to the step, then click on the Settings option next to it to update its settings as shown below:


Add a description for the step you are currently editing.

Field Style

Select the style you would be applying to the field. Choose between the Box option (field options will be shown as boxes) or the Simple option (a simple dropdown, checkbox or radio button)

Box Layout

Choose a layout for the field. Options include Left alignment, stacked or with an icon.

Image Style

Set the styling of the image to either fit in a circle or square or retain the image size specifications.

Radio/Checkbox Display

Set whether the radio/checkbox icon should be displayed in the option box.

Options per Row

Set the number of options to display in a single row.

Multiple Select Option

Select this option if you want to offer multiple options in a field.

Map to CRM

Select a field to be mapped to the contact card in the CRM.

Required Field

Select this option to make the field a required field.

Field Options and Scoring

To create a new field option, click on Add Option, give the choice a name and then Submit

This opens up the option settings where there are various customization features to select:

Option Image

Add an image to show on this option box if enabled in the field settings.

Option Description

Add a description for the option.

Additional Information

Show additional information on the option, for example, a tip or prompt to assist with completing the option.

Skip to another step if this option is selected

Select this option to redirect to another step if this option is selected. Useful for splitting the flow of your quiz.

Add a tag when the option is selected

This option allows a tag to be added to the contact completing this quiz option.

Once you have set up all the options for a field, you can also set up a numerical scoring system. The person completing the quiz will get a scoring result based on the options selected in each field and enables you to show different result pages based on the results of the quiz.

Quiz Settings

To update the overall quiz settings, click anywhere on the quiz area to show the editor menu. Click on the Settings icon on the editor menu as shown below:

Form Name

Give your Quiz a name that will appear on your dashboard messages and email notifications.

Notify me of new form submission

Add the email address where you would like to receive new submission notifications.

Auto Advance

Select this option to automatically advance to the next step, instead of having a Next button to click for submission.

📌This option is only possible when an option is not set as multiple-choice.

Show Progress Bar & Progress Tabs

Enable these options to show the progress of the contact while completing the quiz. See the screenshot below for examples:

Button Text

Select this option should you wish to enable the contact to go back to previous steps already completed and update the button text.

Button Styling

Update the button styling on this form. Change the colours, fonts, text style, shadow, borders, hover effect and colours.

Connect to Email Marketing

Click on Select Lists to select your Main List, enabling you to send emails to your contacts under the Emails and Automations section.

Tag contacts on new message

Add tags to the contact cards of your contacts when they completed the quiz. This tag will be applied to all completed submissions, irrespective of the results of the completed quiz.

Manage Results for the Quiz

To set up the actions once a quiz is completed, click on Edit Fields in the editor menu and then Manage Quiz Results

Here you can set what is displayed once a contact completed a quiz.

Page Redirect

With this option, you can redirect the user to a page based on their score.

Different rules can be created based on the specific requirements as shown below. Set up the page and apply a tag based on the score or quiz results. This is a great way of directing contacts to specific funnels based on their results.

Thank You Message

Display a message to the contact once a quiz is completed.

You can set up a scoring rule here and display a specific message depending on the results of the quiz and also add a call-to-action button below the message.

Finally, as always, we highly recommend you test your new quiz. Select different options and answers to view the different results.

Download or View Survey Results

There are 2 ways you can view the submitted Quiz/Survey results.

The first option is to open your form and quiz submission section on your CCK website.

You will find these under the Contacts section as shown below.

You have the option to download all of your results into a spreadsheet by using the download button.

You can also view your survey results by ensuring that you receive a copy of each survey submitted emailed to your inbox, as it is submitted by a user.

You can do this by selecting the option shown below inside your survey widget:

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