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Tips For Sending Multiple Email Automations
Tips For Sending Multiple Email Automations
Updated over a week ago

Watch the video below to learn how to avoid contacts receiving multiple automations at the same time:

Adding Notes to Your Automation Steps

You can add notes to the various steps in your automations, simply click on the red Notes icon on the top right corner of the step you would like to add a note, add the note on the pop-up, click on the green arrow and then the pin icon to the left of the note added:

Remove a Contact From an Automation by Removing and Adding Tags

It is important to protect and respect your contacts' inboxes and be wary of not sending too many emails to any given contact since your emails may be marked as Spam or unsubscribe from your email list. It may also cause confusion to your subscribers when receiving multiple emails and this way they receive clear emails with a clear purpose.

The best way to not send multiple emails to your subscribers and contacts is by adding and removing tags. In the example in the video and below screenshots, we add steps in the automation to remove a tag from our contacts that are tagged to receive our newsletters and at the end of the automation we add the newsletter tag again so they receive our newsletters once they reached the end of the automation:

Removing a Contact from an Automation Using the Goal Option

Once a contact opt-in to a Freebie they might purchase a product from you, they should then not continue receiving the Freebie sequence and should start receiving the relevant emails pertaining to the product they purchased. In order to remove a contact from a sequence, you need to add a Goal to the automation.

In the video above and images below, we added a Goal to remove a contact from my Freebie sequence after they purchased a product using the Tag Added option and then selecting the tag linked to the product they purchased:


If there is a Goal and a trigger Tag in an Automation, the Goal overrides the trigger tag and the contact with both options will not enter the automation at all.

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