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Copy Email Automations and Campaigns Between CCK Websites
Copy Email Automations and Campaigns Between CCK Websites
Updated over a week ago

If you have multiple websites and need to copy over an exiting automation from one website to the other, this needs to copied manually. CCK does not currently offer the ability to move or copy an entire automation between different CCK websites.

Copying Email Automations

Start by opening the website where the existing automation is and open the automation to view the automation flow.

Next, open another browser tab and open the second website where you wish to recreate the automation and click on Create Automation.

In the example below we are recreating the [DBA] 1. Connection Phase (2 emails) automation

You can copy the title of the automation from the All Automations page or open the automation, navigate to Analytics & Goals and copy the title:

Next, head over to the website where you would be recreating the automation. Navigate to Emails & Automations - Automations and click on Create Automation. Select the Blank Automation option:

Copy the title of the existing automation on the first browser tab and paste it into the area where you add the Automation Name, then click Submit:

Now you will be recreating all the automation settings and steps from the Automation Trigger step right at the top and work your way through each step, copying information from the existing automation on one browser tab, then pasting information from the newly created automation on the second browser tab.

In this example there is no trigger added to the automation trigger, so nothing to copy over on this step. The next automation step has a Remove a Tag Step which we will recreate.

Head over to the new automation and click on the + icon below the automation trigger step and select the Remove A Tag option, click on Select Tag and find the same tag as on the original automation. Note that the tag might be slightly different or you could also create the tag in this pop up, to do this click on the Add new tag button and add the tag name exactly as it is on the original automation then click submit

The newly created tag will automatically be selected from the list of tags, click confirm

We suggest to add the notes to each automation step too, to do this click on the notes section on the original automation and copy the note text.

Head over to the new automation and click on the Notes icon and paste the note copied and click on the arrow.

Make sure to click on the pin icon to pin the note after adding it in the Sticky Notes section

From here on you will follow these steps with each automation step to continue recreating the automation.

Creating Email Automations

Creating Email Campaigns

Overview of Email Marketing & Automations

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