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Member Groups Overview
Updated over a week ago

Location of Member Groups

To view, add or edit a new member group go to your Contacts section or module.

Member Group Settings

Member Group settings are where you can allow members to register themselves to your website or membership. Do not use these settings unless you have a 100% free course that you want your members to register themselves to.

Member Groups are usually automatically added through the checkout process, which is why you do not need to allow members to register themselves.

If you do want your members or students to have the ability to register themselves for your membership website or courses, open your Members Settings pop-up menu.

In Member Settings you can do the following:

  • Allow Registrations - allows people to register themselves on your course website

  • Member Approval - when someone registers it requires manual approval by the website admin to grant access

  • Receive email notification upon new member registration

  • Add a default group when someone signs up

Type your email address in the space provided to receive an email whenever someone registers themselves on your membership or course.

Select a default member group for new members. The default member group is where all members will be added if they do not have or have not been given a specific Member Group. Member Groups are added through the checkout process automatically.

All of our CCK themes come with a pre-created Basic Member group, which can also be used as your default group for new members.

Adding Member Groups

To add a new Member Group, click the + Add Group. In the pop-up menu, you can type the name of your new member group.

If all of your students will get access to the same modules and lessons when they join your course, you can add a single member group for your entire course or membership as shown above.

If you plan to drip-feed (release on a weekly basis) your modules to your students over a few weeks, we recommend that you add a Member Group for each one of your modules as shown below.

Always leave your Basic Member group - do not delete this as this will become your "No Access" member group.

If you have different student levels (for example Self-Study, Group Coaching, VIP), where your Group Coaching students have access to a call page and your VIP students have access to a bonus page or section, we recommend that you create a member group for each of your student levels with pages only certain members will see. This is due to the fact that some of your students will see pages and lessons others will not.

On top of this, if you also want to drip-feed the rest of your modules, you need to add both Module Member Groups as well as the Student Level Member Groups with unique access requirements. For example:

Editing Member Groups

If you select a Member Group and click on Show Group Settings, you can change the name of the Member Group, see all the users who have access to this group and also change the redirect URL for your users when they log in.

We recommend that you always redirect all of your students to your Main Course Dashboard page after they log in. Do this for all of your Member Groups.

Link all groups to exactly the same page. This helps to simplify your student process and allows all students to see the same page when they log in. See the screenshot below.

IMPORTANT: The redirection URL is the same link which will be sent via email to your students when they purchase a course from you or if you manually add them to your membership. This link allows them to click and log into your course dashboard. If your redirection URL is incorrect when a student buys your course, the email they receive will also have an incorrect login link.

Once an email has been sent to a student, the only way to correct this email link is to delete the student and re-add them to your membership, which will also resend the email. The original email will still be in their inbox with the incorrect link, only the new email will have the correct link.

Link Member Groups to Products or Courses

All of your Store products, Payment plans or Courses need to have one (or many) Member Groups linked to them when you create them.

Adding a Member Group to your Course Product or payment plan product will give your students automatic access to your course when they go through the checkout process.

For this reason, we recommend clearly mapping out your course Member Groups and pages using our Member Group Map Document.

New Student Email

When a student buys your course or membership through your checkout page, they instantly receive a system email with a link which allows them to log into your course.

The link in this email is the same link used as your redirection link for the Member Group linked to the course or membership Product the student purchased.

If your redirection URL is incorrect when a student buys your course, the email they receive will also have an incorrect login link.

Once an email has been sent to a student, the only way to correct this email link is to delete the student and re-add them to your membership, which will also resend the email. The original email will still be in their inbox with the incorrect link, only the new email will have the correct link.

Tip: We recommend that you sign up for your own course as a student with a 100% (free) discount code to test this email and check that you have set up your links and course details correctly.

  • At the top of the email, you should see your own email address or the email address you linked to your CCK website

  • The name of your website or business is listed as both the header and footer of your email

  • The name of your course is listed next to the button

  • The button contains your redirection link

To change the name of your website or business in the Header or Footer, navigate to your Website Settings and update the title of your Website as shown below.


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