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Member Group Settings
Updated over a week ago

Member Group settings are where you can allow members to register themselves to your website or membership.

Do not use these settings unless you have a 100% free course that you want your members to register themselves to.

Member Groups are usually automatically added through the checkout process, which is why you do not need to allow members to register themselves.

If you do want your members or students to have the ability to register themselves for your membership website or courses, open your Members Settings pop-up menu.

In Member Settings you can do the following

  • Allow Registrations - allows people to register themselves on your course website

  • Member Approval - when someone registers it requires manual approval by the website admin to grant access

  • Receive email notification upon new member registration

  • Add a default group when someone signs up

Type your email address in the space provided to receive an email whenever someone registers themselves on your membership or course.

Select a default member group for new members. A default member group is where all members will be added if they do not have or have not been given a specific Member Group.

Member Groups are added through the checkout process automatically.

All of our CCK themes come with a pre-created Basic Member group, which can also be used as your default group for new members.

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