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Enterprise Dashboard

Learn more about the Enterprise Dashboard and tools available to Enterprise Users

Kim Lehman avatar
Written by Kim Lehman
Updated over 4 months ago


  1. Feature Summary: The Enterprise Dashboard in CourtReserve is a centralized tool for multi-location organizations, providing Enterprise Managers streamlined access to key information, unified billing, location templates, robust reporting, and action-tracking. It simplifies multi-location management and supports efficient decision-making from one interface.

  2. Use Cases: The Enterprise Dashboard lets managers oversee multiple locations, streamline billing, set up new locations quickly, and access detailed reports—all from one interface. An audit log tracks key actions for accountability across the organization.

In this Article


The Enterprise Dashboard is a feature in CourtReserve for organizations subscribed to the Enterprise plan and managing multiple locations. It provides Enterprise Users a centralized view of all their locations, enabling streamlined access to essential information.


The Enterprise Dashboard is accessible to Enterprise Users, with Enterprise Managers being the only role granted access currently.

Becoming an Enterprise User: Learn how to become an Enterprise User

System Users

Enterprise Users who are also System Users (admins or sub-admins) at a location can access the Enterprise Dashboard by logging in at Once logged in, navigate to Enterprise on the left menu to enter the Enterprise Dashboard.

Non-System Users

Enterprise Users who aren’t admins or sub-admins at any location can access the dashboard at Two-Factor Authentication is enabled all the time when logging in through this portal and cannot be disabled.


1. Locations

The Locations page serves as the landing page and displays a table listing all locations in the enterprise. This table includes:

  • Courts available

  • Members in the database

  • System Users (Admins/Sub-Admins)

Clicking on a location expands its details, showing all System Users, their email addresses, and role types.

Note: Enterprise Managers who are also System Users can view and access new locations here and create new locations using the Locations tab. If you are an Enterprise Manager and do not see Location Template (and would like to use it to create new locations) please contact Support.

2. Location Template

A Location Template is a time-saving tool for operations that want to add organizations. Instead of launching a new trial and building a new organization from scratch, the Enterprise Manager can create a new organization by copying the Location Template.

The Location Template acts like a parent file. The settings and requirements in the parent become the template for all new organizations.

Note: Only Enterprise Users who are also System Users in at least one location can access the Location Template.

3. Memberships

This is a quick access link to the Memberships section of your Location Template.

Note: Similar to the Location Template, this tab is only accessible to Enterprise Users who are System Users in at least one location.

4. Billing

Enterprises that have oped to setup Enterprise Billing vs. Monthly Per Location Billing will see a Billing tab in their Enterprise navigation.

Q: What is Enterprise Billing?

A: Enterprise Billing consolidates the billing for all locations into a single monthly payment. Instead of processing subscription payments separately for each organization, Enterprise Billing streamlines the process by combining all charges into one monthly payment, simplifying financial management across multiple locations.

Enterprise Billing can be setup and coordinated by contacting your Engagement Coordinator or by contacting our Customer Success Team.

When the Enterprise Billing process has been setup the enterprise manager will see 4 tabs in the Billing Details section.

  1. Billing

  2. Payment Profiles

  3. Payments

  4. Locations

5. Enterprise Users

In Enterprise Users, Enterprise Managers can create, manage, and update users with access to the Enterprise Dashboard.

6. Enterprise Reports

Enterprise Reports offer insights into the performance of multiple locations:

  • Clubs Activity Report: View key metrics for each location over a selected date range, including total reservations, active members, closures, events, System Users, instructors, and court usage.

  • Event Summary Report: Run event summaries by location without entering each location individually.

  • Registrant Summary Report: Review registrant details for events across locations within a given period.

  • Court Utilization Report: Analyze court utilization by location and time range.

7. Audit Log

The Enterprise Audit Log tracks actions performed at the enterprise level, providing a detailed history of changes.

  • Enterprise Users: Logs actions such as creating, editing, or deleting Enterprise User profiles.

  • Locations: Tracks when a location is created and who created it.

Audit Logs are also available within individual sections of the Enterprise Dashboard, showing action histories relevant to that area.

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