Detach a Family Member

Remove a Player from a Family Membership Plan

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Remove a player from a Family and assign a different membership plan.

  • Use Cases: There are many reasons why a player might want to leave a Family plan. For instance, a teenager with a child role might want to become more active and have full membership. Only system users can detach a player from a Family.

Reversing the "Detach" action is not possible. A "Detached" version of this member's account will be stored within the family serving as an archival record of all their activities during their time within the family.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Go to the side menu and click MEMBERS > SEARCH.

  3. Enter the player's name in the search bar.

  4. Click the Edit button.

On the new page, click the Family tab and then click the Detach from Family button. Click Yes in the confirmation popup window.

After a system user detaches a player from a Family, CourtReserve makes two changes.

  • The Family table keeps the player's name but changes the status to DETACHED.

  • The platform creates a new profile for the player. The profile has no financial history or membership plan. Previous bookings or event registrations are deleted. (This creates some inconvenience for the player, but it is not possible to move that data on our server.) The player can log in to the member portal but cannot access information or book facilities.

If the player wants to rejoin an event or create bookings, the system user must first assign a membership plan to the player.


Watch this video and learn more about detaching a family member.

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