Static Member Groups

Manually Create Directories

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Create a static member group.

  • Use Cases: System users can control which names appear on a group directory by manually adding players instead of letting CourtReserve auto-add members to a dynamic group.

System users can use static groups to control registration to an event. Learn more.


Know how to create a member group.


There are two ways to create a static group: create a new group or convert a dynamic group.

Creating a new group

Create a new member group and select the Static option under the heading Member Group Type.

When the system user clicks Save, CourtReserve opens a new page. Scroll down the page and add filters as required.

Scroll down to the Select Members You Want To Add To Seniors' League heading. The page has two tables. The table on the left (A) lists all players who meet the system user's filter criteria. The table on the right shows members in the static group.

To move a name into the static group (B) table:

  1. Locate a name in the left table.

  2. Click the Add To Group button. CourtReserve adds the name to the group table.

  3. Click Save to keep the list.

Deleting a name

To remove a name from a static group, click the Remove button. CourtReserve deletes the name from the group and adds the name to the list in the left table.

Converting a dynamic group

Use this option to change an existing dynamic group into a static group.

  1. Open the Member Groups page (MEMBERS > ALL MEMBERS GROUPS).

  2. Locate a dynamic group in the table and click the pencil icon.

At the top of the new page, click the Convert to Static button. Click Yes in the confirmation popup window.

CourtReserve creates two tables (as described above): the table on the left (A) has a list of potential members, and a table on the right (B) with a list of the group's members.

System users can manually add or remove members from the group list. Click Save to keep the changes.

Managing a group

Open the Member Groups page (MEMBERS > ALL MEMBERS GROUPS) to see a list of groups.

  1. Click View to open a new page and see the names of members in the directory.

  2. Click Delete to remove the group.

  3. Click the pencil icon to edit group settings and manually add or remove players.

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