Email Players

Send a message to all, or select, members at your organization

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: System users can email bulk messages to members.

  • Use Cases: Use the bulk email feature to send a custom one-time message that is not an auto-generated notification (e.g. a confirmation message when a member books a court).


Know how to create a member group.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Go to the side menu and click MEMBERS > EMAIL PLAYERS.

  3. Configure the message. (see below)

  4. Click the Send Emails button.

Configuring an email message

At the top of the page, the From Name field is auto-filled. Go to the two required fields and add information:

  • Click the Reply To field and select one email address. System users can add a CC address later.

  • Enter text in the Subject line.


System users can use one or more filters to narrow the list of recipients.

  • Groups - If players are organized by groups, use this field to select one or more groups for this message. Otherwise, leave the field blank to enable the default ALL option.

  • Memberships - Click this field and create a mailing list according to membership type. For instance, a system user could send a message to every player with a Full Member plan. Players with a different plan (e.g. Family) would not receive this message. Otherwise, leave the field blank to enable the default ALL option.

  • Include Active / Inactive players - Check one or both boxes. If both boxes are unchecked, CourtReserve sends all members (active and inactive) the message.

  • Filter Players By Family Roles - Send the message to players with a specific family role (e.g. parent).

  • Filter Players By Gender - Select male or female. The default setting is ALL.

  • Tennis / Pickleball - Click a field and send the message to players with a specific rating level. Choose one or more rating levels or leave the field blank to include all.

  • Reservation/Event Start & End dates and times - Include players with a facility booking or event registration that starts or ends by a specific date.

Selecting recipients

The Selected Email Recipients list shows the eligible players based on the enabled filters. Check the box for each name that should receive the message, or optionally check the Select All box.

Additional recipients

Optionally, the system user can add other players to the mailing list and one or more system users to the mail-out as CCs.

Writing a message

Go to the text field and enter the email message. Use the toolbar to format text or insert a link. Optionally, click the Select file button to add documents or images to the message.


When a system user adds or removes a filter, CourtReserve adjusts the Selected Email Recipients list near the bottom of the page. In the screenshot below, the system user checked the Include Inactive Players box and unchecked the Include Inactive Players box.

Finding players with out-of-date profiles

Optionally, the system user can click the Tennis or Pickelball fields and select the No Rating option. CourtReserve displays a list of players with No Rating. A system user could contact these players and ask them to update their profiles.

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