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Batch Billing and Invoicing

Generate Invoices for Members and Collect Payments

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Generate invoices for all or some members with a few clicks.

  • Use Cases: System users can generate invoices and optionally enable a feature that collects payments at the same.

A different article shows system users how to generate an invoice for a single member.


Enable the Batch Billing add-on and complete the setup process.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Go to the side menu and click TRANSACTIONS > BATCH BILLING.

On the next page:

  1. Click the Create Batch Billing button.

  2. Fill in the fields. (see below)

Filling in the fields

  • Memberships - The default setting is to generate invoices for ALL membership types. Click the field and select one or more membership types.

  • Payment Profile Status - The default setting is to generate invoices for ALL members with and without payment profiles. To narrow the scope, click the field and select Has Payment Profile or No Payment Profile.

  • Transactions Thru and Reservation / Event Registrations Thru - Use the calendar icons to set the end of the invoice period for transactions (e.g. POS purchases) and reservations/event registrations.

  • Revenue Category - Select one or more revenue categories or use the default ALL setting.

  • Membership Frequency - Select one or more options or use the default ALL setting.

  • Exclude if Amount to Process is smaller than X - Use this optional field to send invoices when the payment due is over a minimum amount.

  • Send Invoice if Amount to Process is 0 - Check the box to send invoices when the payment due is zero. The default setting is not checked.

  • Invoice Due Days - Set end of the payment period.

Collect payments

  • Generate Invoice options - Choose an option: generate an invoice and wait for payment, or generate an invoice and collect the payment immediately through the player payment profile.

System users can require members to have a payment profile if organizations would like to collect payment immediately after generating invoices. Click here to learn how.

Select accounts

  • Include ALL accounts in this Batch - Check the box to auto-include all accounts in the table below. Uncheck the box to exclude one or more accounts. Go to the table and check the box next to each account that should not be included in this batch.

Running a batch with immediate payment

In this scenario, the system user runs a batch and enables the option to collect the payment immediately via the members' payment profile.

After configuring the settings (see above), the system user clicks the Save button and Yes in the confirmation popup. A new page displays, and CourtReserve generates invoices for the selected accounts. Once the batch starts to process, the system user can close the page.


After clicking the View All Batch Billing button, CourtReserve displays the batch results.

  • Scan the Details page to learn about the batch run, including the number of accounts, plus the amounts billed, collected, and pending (i.e. unpaid invoices).

  • Click the Invoice tab to inspect each invoice. To see line item charges for any account, go to a table row and click the plus (+) icon. CourtReserve expands the folder and displays line item details.

  • Click the Logs tab to see a record for each generated invoice, including the player's name and amount.

The table below shows a Pending Payment status for one account. The system user searches that player's name and discovers the member does not have a payment profile (which is needed to process payments). To resolve the payment problem, the system user contacts the player with a request to create a payment profile.

Running a batch with no payment

If the system user runs a batch to generate invoices with no payment option, CourtReserve displays the table under the Invoices tab. The status of all invoices is Pending Payment.

Optionally, the system user can pay each invoice from the player's payment profile. Go to the Details tab and click the Collect Payments button. Click Yes in the confirmation popup.

CourtReserve processes the payments and shows the results on the Details page.

If a member still has a pending payment for an invoice, and hasn't paid by the Due Date of the invoice, their invoice's status will be updated to Past Due.

Download and print

Click the Export button to save the table data in an .xlsx file. System users can download a PDF version of the table on the screen. Click the Print Invoice(s) button.


Players can open invoices on the member portal by clicking account name > Billing > Invoices.

If the system user runs a batch with the generate and auto-pay option enabled, the player sees PAID in the Payment Status column.

If the system user runs a batch with the generate without auto-pay, and the payment fails (or the system user generates invoices without payment), players see PENDING PAYMENT in the Payment Status column.


Watch this video and learn how to run your first batch.

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